Monday, October 24, 2011

Still Life Drawing

  This Project was really difficult to do. Difficult can sometimes be fun though! I felt the hardest thing about this project was the shading. Shading was very important in this piece because if you don't shade properly, it doesn't look realistic and very professional-like. i feel I probably could have taken a little bit more time on the sheet part of this drawing and shaded it better, along with adding better wrinkle lines. That's really the only thing I would change about this project! It turned out very nice and is probably one of the best things I have ever drawn in my life! It was a big success!

Super Hero Gesture Drawing

This piece was also very fun to do. It was more difficult because I had to make sure body parts were proportional to one another. If I could go back in time and change something it would be the upper body and legs of this "action figure". His head is supposed to be lower  so he has no neck and his body is supposed to be more buff. His legs kind of look like frog legs which I would change as well. Id Make them thicker and more muscular. But I guess we all learn from our mistakes. For being the second project we have ever done, I feel was quite successful! Mostly because of my shading I feel. It gave it more demention and made the super hero not get drowned out by the back ground and make it really POP! :)

Pop Can Line Drawing

I worked very hard on this piece really trying to get it to look realistic. I feel I made that happen for the most part. At this point, I think if I was to redo it, I would shade with my pencil to give it more of a three dementional look. I learned to pencil shade after this project though so there is no harm done. The way I drew the lines from the can exactly how i saw them helped a lot. It made it look as if it was actually crunched up! Overall, this piece was really fun to draw, the outcome was great, and I learned that finding the lines in an object helps make an object pop and look real!