Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Contrast and Composition

This would be another one of my strong projects. I didn't get out of the lines or Mess up really at all. I did these pieces on rough draft paper before I transferred them to final draft paper. This was the hardest part because you just couldn't get the same results you had on your rough draft paper onto your final draft paper. It took a while to do and took a very long to think of a composition but once I got going it was a breeze. The positive and negative spaces in this project are pretty even and I think this is what I did very well in the project. Overall, I feel this piece was another pretty successful one! :)

Working with Positive and Negative Spaces

This piece I feel was the best piece I have done so far along with my color wheel. Painting I think is my strong point. I have a pretty steady hand and I enjoy painting a lot. The best thing about this piece I think would be the letter "e". It has personality and gives my piece demension. The thing I could have done differently was probably make my letters more diverse. I feel they were too similar and if I had more ideas of text I would have gotten a little bit more creative. However, I feel I made this piece look very clean and professional looking. It took a while, but the time was worth it. I really enjoyed doing this project!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Interior Design: A Form of Art We Use Everyday

          When you first walk into a home, what is the first thing you think? Color Scheme is probably the first thing that catches your eye. But what do you look at second? Maybe the furniture? The way the furniture is arranged in a home and the way a person makes their home flow is called interior design, and believe it or not, it's a form of art!
          When someone was to ask you what you think about when someone says "art", some things that are going through your mind are probably: paint, color, patterns, designs, demensions, layout, textures, lighting, etc. Now think about this, how many things out of those that I had listed, involve the decorating of a beautiful household? The answer to that question is all of them. Interior design is a very important and commonly used type of art. However, it isn't always recognized as a form of art! In many areas, interior design is not the ideal career to go into. This is because in many smaller rural areas, people don't usually pay for other people to design their homes. Many people just choose to decorate their homes themselves. That is why an interior designer wouldn't make it out well starting a career in a small town where their aren't many people. This job is more ideal for the city life. But, if you are a landscape or achitectural designer, your chances for emplyment are probably higher.
          To persue a career in interior design, many entry level jobs for interior design require an associate or a bachelor's degree. However, some states even license interior designers, which would look really good when trying to apply for a career in the interior designing field. The average salary for an interior design specialist is $45,000 a year. This can range though because in areas where interior design is popular, a high salary for an interior designer is $82,000. Talk about a solid job! During this job you would be working for the most part along as far as the designing part. You will have to work with the home owners though to get their style and taste they are comfortable with and come to a steady compromise so they will like your design as much as you do. This may involve some altering of your idea you orginally came up with, but your job is to come up with a design for a person's house so that is fits their personality, is safe, functional, and makes the owner(s) happy! Some of the things you would be doing include: making the house flow nicely, find fun colors that coordinate to give the room demension and character, finding appropriate lighting and places to put the lighting to make the room feel most comfortable, and making sure the family has a safe but fun environment to live in. Other people you may have to work with are carpenters of all sorts. Carpenters who install carpet, do electrical stuff, who build things, etc. It all really depends on the project!
             After researching more about this job, it's definitely something I would do as a career if I was interested in leaving the current state I live in to go to an area where interior design is more popular. it's something I have wanted to do since I was very little. I actually used to keep little note books full floor plans i'd come up with, make shoe boxes and cut out furniture from pottery barn megazines and make houses, as well as designing houses on the Sims for my little "families". However, I plan on staying around here and going to school to become a Physcian Assistant and maybe take some photography electives while in college to get a degree on that as well. Which is another form of art! :)