Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

This project was very time consuming. It took me a very long time to finish and I think this is because of how hard it was to find the color words you were looking for. Blue was pretty common, however, orange and green text in magazines is not used as frequently. The thing I liked about this project is how the orange fish pops out. The thing I did not like was how the blue and green almost blend together.I should have known they would because they are next to eachother on the color wheel. But I suppose it's art and you learn from your mistakes and use past experiences to improve future projects. I think I did well and had fun doing this project.

Animation Cell: "The Little Sailor Boy"

This project was very fun to do. One of my favorites. It was difficult to do because I had to paint small things to add detail but aside from that it was pretty enjoyable and easy to accomplish. The thing I would change about this project would be how I lined it up. This sailor boy's foot is over lapping the barrel which isnt very realistic and it kind of looks like he is floating. It takes away from the quality of the picture. My favorite part of this animation is my little sailor boy's face. He's so cute and has alot of personality. Overall, I feel I did really well on this assignment.