Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fantasy World

      If I could live any place in the world it would look something like this. Although it may not be super creative like Megan's "Sparkle Word" and Abi's "50s Themed World", if I had to form the most perfect place to live in my head it would look like this. I LOVE the country. Wide open spaces, lots of pretty colors, and rolling hills. Therefore, I chose a background layer in this project that had all those three qualities. Next, I added a lot of huge, luxurious houses to the picture because in my perfect world, there are no small homes, only top-notch homes! Finally, I added a few barns and farm animals. This is because I have a soft spot in my heart for animals and the farm lifestyle.
     All together, I am not exactly sure how much I like this project. I think I could have done better but I still don't know how to work some features in Photoshop. I like it though for the simple fact that it represents the kind of things I like and who I am. Next time, I would try and figure out how to make the layers on my backdrop not as vibrant in color to make them blend in a little more. If I knew how to do that, I would have liked the ending product much more of this project.