Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 3: 3-D Picture: "Twister"

I choose for this project to do a tornado coming out of a television set. I am not quite sure what inspired me to choose this but I think it turned out pretty well! :)

Day 8: Face Swap: "Justin Bieber's Wrecking Ball"

This picture is pretty self explanatory..... LOL! :)

Day 7: Sculpture: "Statue of Jonah"

I love Jonah Hill, therefore I HAD to choose him for this project! However, I had to add a fig leaf to this statue to make this appropriate. :P

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 6: Literal Interpretations: "Country Crock Butterfly"

I thought this would be a fun project to do because there were seriously ENDLESS possibilities that I could have done! At first, I was going to do a "starfish" but in the end, decided on doing a "butterfly" and I think this turned out way better than the "starfish" idea! I love how this turned out. It's funny, bright, and colorful! some of my favorite things! :) And let's face it, everybody knows "Country Crock" is the best kind of butter out there! :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 5: Interactive Self Portrait with a Cartoon: Tangled Interaction

I am not quite sure where I thought of this. But I love this movie and Pascal or the little chameleon is super cute so it inspired me to do something involving "Tangled". :)

Day 4: Inanimate Object Brought to Life: Starbucks Coffee

This is my animated Starbucks Coffee. It's nothing super special, however I am absolutely addicted to Starbucks and it would be just THAT much cooler if it could talk to me. :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 2: Comical Movie Poster Parody: "Scared"

This movie poster is a parody to the popular children's movie "Brave". I changed the title to "Scared" and found a frightened picture of the movie character. This project didn't take very long and I feel I could have done better but I have ten more days to make some really awesome projects so fingers crossed they turn out! :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 1: Brand Identity Swap: "Limited Edition Late Night Snack Ben & Jerry's Shampoo"

I'm not going to write much for this post besides that what inspired me to choose these two brands to swap was my love for good smelling things and ice cream. LOL! I LOVE Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack ice cream and I can't help but to think Herbal Essence Shampoo smells amazing! :) They also have pretty containers! :) Overall, I am happy with my finished product!