Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tigers Baseball Promotional Poster

This project turned out nicely. Not exactly how I pictured it but very very close. I really wanted to make the transparent pictures at the bottom of the poster black and white, along with adding flames to Miguel Cabrera's bat. Since I couldn't figure out how to change the transparent pictures to black a white without changing the whole poster black and white, I settled for leaving them colored. Then for Miguel Cabrera's bat, I just added some smoke effect with a specific paint brush. I altered the picture, by changing the contrast, and make it black and white giving it an even better "night effect", and adding some simple text. Overall, this project took a little time, and didn't have all the effects I desired, but it turned out to look pretty good in the end!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Typography Poster

So far in my Digital Art class, this is my favorite project we have done. My basketball team recently won the first round of regionals and are advancing to the regional finals on Thursday. I felt this poster was only appropriate for this occasion. I love my team and I love the game of basketball so this poster  has a lot of meaning to me. My favorite thing about this poster would have to be the coloration or the quote. The quote is very inspirational, and I like how the color tone of the photo lightly shows the red from our school colors, but nothing too overwhelming. I wish I could have figured out how to bold the text or make it so it had a transparency in back of it so it is easier to read, however, I am really happy with the outcome of this poster and would change nothing else.