Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Three Steps to Abstraction Project

       This project was very time consuming and not my favorite. However, anything with painting seems to take twice as long as just simply sketching something. I am not sure if I really like the outcome of the piece. Each picture to me looks different which really bothers me. I am a perfectionist and it sometimes leads to over criticizing my projects. I know that I will never be perfect but I try and get my projects to look as close to perfect as possible. If I could redo this project, I would pick something entirely different to paint. I don't really care for how this project looks. I like the background on this painting though, it helped out the picture a lot and made it pop off the page more.
        Overall, I feel I could have done better with this assignment. This project brought something to my attention and taught me something I didn't really know yet until now : I really prefer sketching!

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