Friday, May 3, 2013

The Culinary Arts: An Art I Can Really Appreciate

The cullinary arts is a very different form of art. I chose this field because let's get real now...Who doesn't like food?!?! It really facinates me, how much art is put into this career field. It's an art in it's own special way. The colors, textures, sizes, shapes, and display of the food on the plate can be the determining factor whether or not someone acknowledges it and decides to sink their teeth into it! I know I wouldn't eat something that appreared disgusting!The average yearly salary varies with this career, considering there are so many different branches in the culinary art field you can be involved with! If you are an executive chef, the average yearly income is approximately $60,000-$85,000. If you decide to take become an executive pastry chef, you could be making anywhere from $46,000-$83,000 a year. The duties of a chef are pretty straight forward: Make the food yummy, and pretty, to put it in simpler terms. If something doesn't taste good, but looks good, people still will not consume your product. If your product  is yummy but doesn't look appetizing, people won't be as apt to buy your product because it doesn't look like it will satisfy their needs. To be in the cullinary arts field, you must attend cullinary school at a college or university that offers these types of programs. If you plan on being higher up the ladder and want to have a higher position in this field, such as an executive chef,  four years of cullinary school will be necessary to get the aquired skills you will need in your career. The people you work with with vary depending on the branch of cullinary arts you go into. A pastry chef just may work alone, whereas an executive chef may have a fun kitchen full of poeple to oversee! Overall, the cullinary arts a very unique and amazing career field, and contains more art than you may think! It is a career field that I would definitely consider going into if there was a higher demand for them in my home state!

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