Monday, October 7, 2013

Photoshop Animal Creation: The "Cowmadillo"

For this project, we were told to pick an animal and choose other qualities from different animals to photoshop onto the original image. I feel this project was successful, however, I wish I would have chosen an easier animal to work with rather than an armadillo. This was probably the most difficult part of this project because no many things match the image I chose, for example, prior to using the steer's head on the armadillo's body, I tried a chimpanzee's head. It didn't blend very well and looked very strange and unproportional. After deciding to go with the steer's head, I felt the armadillo was too bland still and needed a little something else, therefore, I added the scorpion tail. This is another problem I ran into because I was struggling to find other elements to add to my picture due to the awkward animal and position of the animal I chose. Next time, if I was to do a project like this, I would choose a more common, larger animal and find unique animals to incorporate in my original animal. Overall though, I like the results from this project and think I invited a very unique creature!

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