Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art Project #2

The picture of this project was not available to me on Drop Box, but I will talk about it anyways. This project wasn't one of my favorites. I think this was mostly because I do not prefer to use markers. I think sketches look better. This project was time consuming and didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. Again, I think it was because marker was used, but it's not like you could use pencil on a project like this anyways to get the same effect so it's understandable. I had a few little mistakes where I got out of the lines and some pink marker was in the yellow areas but that's okay, I'm not a perfect person and I make mistakes. Overall, this project turned out okay but I would prefer doing something else involving drawing.

Op Art Project #1

This project was fun. I like just letting my drawing utensil just go and do whatever it wants to. This is what this project allowed me to do. After one little section on the paper, I'd move onto the next and think, "hmmmm, what pattern could I do next?" then I would just keep going. At first I didn't think it would turn out very nicely but it did. If I could change one thing it would be making the squiggly area darker, just so there is more of a balance between white and black. This project was fun to do though! I like projects like these because if you mess up, you can hardly notice! :)

Magazine Reflection

This project took me maybe two class periods. It was very easy and quick to do. What I'm really proud about this piece, would be the hand of the person dipping the "Scoop" chip into the dip. Hands are very hard to do and since this picture had a hand in it, it made me very uneasy and nervous! When I was done, however, it turned out very nicely! I was really excited! The thing I would change about this picture would be the salsa in the bowl. I didn't know how to make the effect of salsa, so I just shaded a bit more in that spot. It still looks really good for not taking very much time on it. I like doing projects like these and would do one again if I had to.

Water Color Project

This project was my next favorite after the Character Skeleton. This project also took me a very long time to do. Water colors are very difficult but fun to work with. It was a challenge but I like challenges. Something I would change about this piece would be the moon in the sky in the third lighthouse. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but I wasn't expecting perfection. The part I like most about this piece would be the middle lighthouse. It is very clean looking and I like how the cloud in the sky turned out. I also like the sky in the first lighthouse. It was really fun to do. Overall, this project was very enjoyable and turned out amazing!

Pop Art Sculpture

This project was very fun. Amanda Corder and I worked together on this piece and made a big Nike 3-D icon sculpture. I would have posted a picture but I did not have the option too (the picture was not on Drop Box), but I can explain it just as well to give you a visual. The sculpture was all black in color, and then Amanda and I added silver sparkles. It looked really sharp and nicely done. My favorite part of the project was the thinking of something to do. I know that may sound weird, but there were SO many possible things we could have chose to make a sculpture of and I like having many options. The hardest part of this project would have to be restarting the next day because the tape we were using kept falling off, therefore, the cardboard base of our sculpture kept falling apart. All in all, this project looked really cool and I had fun working on it.

Character Skeleton

This project was my all time favorite. However, it was very time consuming. I like doing projects where I have the picture in front of me and I have to free hand the same picture. It's difficult but the results always look so good! My favorite part about this piece would be everything. I think this project probably took a total of about maybe....2 weeks? I had to include many details in this drawing because even the simplest little detail could make it or break it. Shading made this whole piece come together. Woody's eyes look a little crazy and cartoonish before I added shading to create his cheekbones and demension under his eyes. After I added a bit of shading, he looked JUST like the real Woody.The skeleton was by far the hardest part. But the hardest part of the skeleton was the skull. This part of the drawing was very tricky and the jaw, before I drew it just right, seemed to be unattached and floating in mid air. In the end, I pulled through though and made it the best drawing I have done yet. I was very proud of myself after this project!