Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pop Art Sculpture

This project was very fun. Amanda Corder and I worked together on this piece and made a big Nike 3-D icon sculpture. I would have posted a picture but I did not have the option too (the picture was not on Drop Box), but I can explain it just as well to give you a visual. The sculpture was all black in color, and then Amanda and I added silver sparkles. It looked really sharp and nicely done. My favorite part of the project was the thinking of something to do. I know that may sound weird, but there were SO many possible things we could have chose to make a sculpture of and I like having many options. The hardest part of this project would have to be restarting the next day because the tape we were using kept falling off, therefore, the cardboard base of our sculpture kept falling apart. All in all, this project looked really cool and I had fun working on it.

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